Friday, March 13, 2009


When I was reading a article in Backpacker magazine, I noticed that the article was talking about how the government was going to change a law that required any gun the will be passing through or in an national park be unloaded and packed away. The new law will allow loaded, concealed firearms in national parks. Well when I was looking for a news release to write about for the 3rd blog, I came across a press release about this. The new law has taken effect as of January 9th which mean that if you wanted to you could be packing heat in a national park provided that you have a canceled weapons permit. The lawsuit to put an injunction against the new law was filed in U.S. District Court by the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees. The new law was pushed by the Bush Administration failed to provide adequate reasons for passing the new law. National Rifle Association was the major backer of the new law which wanted to expand the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms to include national parks. The Backpacker magazine article talked about how people were more afraid of people in the park then a chance encounter with wildlife and this was shown with statistics within the article. Which stated that more park related deaths accord by human’s crimes then animal mauling accidents. My personal opinion about this new law is that I too think that concealed firearms should not be allowed within the boundaries of a national park. This is because this would cause more problems for the national park staff having to deal with people and guns. The new law would not only cause an increase in cost to the park for more law enforcement. The increase confrontation between camp neighbors would be a direct cause of this law because people when packing heat tend to get bolder with their views…. Throw a few beers in them and you got the next episode of cops. The park staff with their family also lives within the park boundaries and having kids around people with loaded concealed firearms would make me a nervous parent. This press release is in the general format found in chapter ten of our PR book and the handout that we received while we were discussing chapter 10. The press release follows the format of news release by having the required information on the top of the release and has the ### at the end.